What Kind of Job Fits You?
How smart do you have to be to be different things in life? This is an ambiguous question, so to give it some parameters, there are five pillars to job acquisition and retention which define the key attributes that make a job a good fit. These five aren’t focused on someone’s IQ, but on the awareness of one’s own intellect in relation to their aspirations.
Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligence is speed. If you are moving toward difficult work more rapidly than others, you arrive at higher positions before them.
Conscientiousness: the quality of wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly. Are you as educated as you are intelligent? Wishing to do one’s work well may mean the need to acquire a higher education to perform at the level you desire to be at.
Creativity: the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. This relates directly with decision making and the ability to comprehend the situation the decision is being made on. Do what degree and by what methods do you gather and interpret information to produce a fair, unique and exciting response that draws in others to a unified perspective?
Stress Tolerance: the ability to be relaxed and composed when faced with difficulties. It’s not how much you carry, but how you carry it.
Agreeableness: the perceived ability to be kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm, friendly, and considerate.
If you go into a job that you’re not smart enough for, you and the workers around you will suffer because you wont be able to handle the position. The higher the degree of competence, the higher the demand on fluid intelligence increases. Fluid meaning that you are able to adapt quickly and effectively to both the daily routines and the uncommon circumstances of your job simultaneously.
If you go into a job that you’re not interested in, you and those around you will suffer if you don’t take responsibility for the success of that role. If your lack of care doesn’t effect the outcome of the organization or the people around you, that likely means your job is expendable. Higher competent people can take on more responsibilities. Highly efficient people have the ability to live up to and sometimes advance their responsibilities.
-Busy Brain