Find Your Idols
Find your idols.
Find things that you truly love right now. This is very easy to do with the internet. You can just go online and find stuff you love. So this is what I did: at the start of my career, I started a Pinterest board and just went on reposting things that caught my attention and filled them away into various categories that I defined from ‘Reference to ‘Home Life.’
Don’t overthink it, don’t over discriminate. I didn’t even quote the authors. I don’t know who some of those people even are. I just copied and pasted it. This worked as both reference and inspiration in the future. So when I am making a packaging design and something wasn’t right about the color or layout, I just opened up my Pinterest, went to all these different examples, and I’m like “Oh, that’s how they did that.” And then on really dark days, when I really wasn’t motivated to work, having there images also worked as inspiration, because opening it up reminds you why you got started. Stuff that you love, truly.
-Busy Brain