Beginning with the End

How would you like to be remembered?

Career goals can’t be fully understood until you understand your life goals. You will be far more upset not achieve your life goals then you will by not achieving career goals in the grand scheme of your life.


Think about your life’s narrative played out in reverse. What do you want your obituary to say? What would you want to tell your grandkids about yourself? Maybe this is a good time to decide if you even want grandkids! This can be described as the legacy theory. When you reverse engineer your life from where you want to be to the present day, you can uncover the foundation to your actions and shed light on the direction of your intentions.

When you are holding yourself to a higher calling, you stop concerning yourself on how things show up in your life. You’re happier from within doing what you feel is ultimately right.

What are your MOST IMPORTANT life goals. Write down the unwavering life milestones you want to achieve. These are things like owning a home, getting married, starting a family, etc. When life throws you a curveball while pursuing a career, you can make conscious decisions towards your more important life goals. Pursue what you love with uplifting intention and the rest will follow with time.

-Busy Brain


Too Different?


Choosing the Stairs